

Faith formation is important to us, so we gather every week during the school year for the chance to shape our hearts and minds in God’s Word no matter our age. Sunday School for preschoolers through 5th grade is led by a talented team of volunteer teachers and Confirmation is a three-year program for our middle school aged youth with Pastor Bre. High School meets with our youth director Kammeran on Sunday mornings and adults are invited to join volunteer Caryl for conversation and study together


Tabitha’s Backpack is our school-year feeding ministry that serves children at local elementary schools each week with a pack of food to last them through the weekend at home. We source our food from donations from the congregation, the Anne Arundel Food Bank, the Maryland Food Bank, and other donors. We can always use shelf-stable milk boxes, juice boxes, snack and breakfast foods, and vegetables in any size. We would also like to receive main meal items with protein, such as chicken/tuna kits, chili, soup with meat, Chef Boyardee with meat, and individual peanut butter packets. We cannot accept food in glass as it may break! Items may be placed in the yellow wagon in the narthex/lobby of the church. Volunteers are always needed to sort, pack, and deliver the meals we share. Please reach out if you are interested


Chancel Choir (September to June)Meets every Sunday at 9:30 am
Bell Choir (September to June)
Meets every Monday at 6:00 pm
Weekly Practice for all musicians
Meets every Monday at 7:00 pm


Join in study of scripture and other topics related to our faith as we read, learn, and grow together. We meet in our fellowship hall named Zick Hall every Thursday, a morning session from 10:30 am until noon and an evening session from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. All of us are learners together and you are invited to attend no matter your experience or level of study of the Bible. Pastor’s Bible Study runs from September to June.

Cross-Generational Events

Three times a year we bring all our Sunday School classes together so that adults and kids can form their faith together as a community. These events typically happen in November (before Advent), February (before Lent), and June (at the end of school). Every event has a theme and we embody that in rotations of activities like making Christmas ornaments, in service projects like making personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief, and in learning alongside each other in bible lessons and conversation starters. We are more fully the church when we are united in opportunities like Cross-Gen!